Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Valentine's Day 2008

So I have been asked by a few of you what I did for Valentine's Day. Well, David and his brother John had a meeting in Grand Forks about John Deere GPS systems. So, since Dave and John had ridden down to GF with Bernie from the Michigan Implement, I drove down and met them in the afternoon and picked David up. We went to fun places like Bearings and Drives, Home of Economy, Office Max, the mall for a potty stop, and Wal-mart for exciting things like toilet paper, doggie treats and an air filter for my car. Then we came home! No flowers--they just die! No chocolates--they just make my butt big! I did have a choice of a Valentine gift though. It was either another mini daschund or a new coffee maker. The puppy was too cute! But I need my coffee so I decided to get the coffee maker. It has some red on it!!

For those of you who haven't heard some changes are taking place at the Steffan Ranch!! David's brother John and his wife Brenda and their 4 boys are staying with Rose Mary during the week and going home on the weekend when another Steffan sibling arrives to relieve them of their duties. BUT John has begun some remodeling projects. SOOOOO David and I will be moving to the house John lives in--the one David lived in when I lived in Vi's house. We CAN'T WAIT!! A nice BIG bathroom downstairs with a place to store towels!! 2 bedrooms upstairs with their OWN bathroom!! A big kitchen ! A Huge laundry room! A GINORMOUS living room with lots of windows, hardwood floors and a HUGE fireplace!!! OH and Dave's favorite part---a man cave!!!! We do not have a move in date as of yet, but we hope to by Easter!!

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