Thursday, May 22, 2008

What in the world!

So, does anyone know what kind of bird this is? He stopped to eat at my new feeder this morning and I was so surprised when I walked out of the laundry room and spotted this little fellow!! He is the most perfect shade of blue! Later on, he was sharing the feeder with couple of male gold finches. I wish my camera would have been handy for that!

1 comment:

Nana Porcupine said...

WOW! What a cool picture! I think it is a Indigo Bunting. Is it about 4 1/2 " long? or it might be the Blue Crosbeak 6 1/4" long. I have never seen one. We have the Mountain Blue birds in the hills and they are also so pretty.They have lighter beaks tho. You were lucky to get such a good picture!