Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Coyotes, Confirmation, Mother's Day.

Does anyone have coyotes howling everywhere at all hours of the night? I woke up the other night to my dogs whining. I figured they needed to go potty. When I opened the door, I could hear what was causing my dogs to fret. COYOTES and LOTS of them!! At 4 in the morning when it is completely silent aside from the mournful cries of the coyotes, it is CREEPY. It is even worse without having a yard light that consistently stays on! My dogs would howl to answer them, and it sounded as if the elusive animals were right at the end of my driveway!! The definitely weren't far away!

David and I had a very busy weekend. Saturday we helped his nephew Nathan celebrate his First Communion and Confirmation. He and about 69 other kids from the Devils Lake Region had a special Mass in their honor at St. Josephs in Devils Lake. Then the Family gathered at John and Brenda's for dinner and an afternoon of catching up!!

I want to be the first to wish everyone an early Happy Mother's Day!! We celebrated this past Sunday here at the house with Grandma and Grandpa Hanssen, Grandma Johnson, Aunt Shirley, Connie and Mandy & Mckayla, Mom, Dad, Jamie, and Amber and Sean. It was a fun afternoon of visiting. The food was great (EXCELLENT job with the steak Dave!) Dad, Amber, and Sean went fishing on Lake Laretta (about a mile North of my house) and Sean caught the lone fish!! He caught a 3lb 20in Northern, not bad for his first fish!! This weekend we will be able to celebrate Mother's Day with Rose Mary. Davids sisters Ann and Janice from Zimmerman, MN and St. Croix Falls, WI will be here as well as Rose Marys' sister, Sister Phillip.
It should be a great weekend!

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