Sunday, June 8, 2008

A Pink Vacuum Too?

Today was the day I was finally going to vacuum the sand from last Sunday out of my carpet. I started in the hallway and was working my way around "the wall." My vacuum has been my favorite toy since Dave gave it to me for Christmas in 2006. I usually get excited to use it~~it is pretty and it has a power paw for the furniture! So, near the bathroom door, I smell smoke. I have smelled it before while vacuuming so I paid it no attention. Soon near the railing to the basement I SAW smoke. LOTS OF SMOKE! I picked it up and took it outside yanking the cord from the outlet. I laid it down and saw the flames coming from the side where the belt is. I was so panicky I couldn't think of what I should use to put out the fire. I decided on my coffee maker. I doused the flames and grabbed my camera. I was nervous about what Dave would say about this one for sure. Fire has been the ongoing theme this last week. He had been in town at church so, thankfully he was feeling mellow. He didn't say much. Except he did say that he didn't know if they make PINK vacuum cleaner. OH and word from the wise~~if you are shopping for a vacuum cleaner DO NOT buy a Eureka Altima

1 comment:

Nana Porcupine said...

I love you music, Third Day are great.