Tuesday, March 25, 2008

A Sad Day at the Hanssen Ranch:,(

It is a very sad day at the Hanssen ranch. For the last 15 years, our family has loved and cared for the prettiest German Shepherd/Husky cross named Taz. She was just a puppy when Mom and Jamie brought her home in 1993. Jamie was particularily fond of our beautiful dog and had a very special bond with her. Friday, she disappeared and today, Dad and Jamie found her stumbling around in circles across the highway from their house. Dad had to put her down and they brought her home to be buried in the "family plot" with our cat Baby. She was very senile and had cateracts. Most of the time she didn't know if she was inside or out and would "potty" on the kitchen rug. She was also deaf and had arthritis, we know because of her whimper every time she laid down. I wish I had more pictures of our dog with the beauty mark!! We all loved her and will miss her very much!!

1 comment:

Melissa Sutton said...

I am sad to hear about Taz. it is never easy when we have to say good by to a faithful loved pet.