Friday, March 21, 2008

Happy Easter!!!

Happy Easter Everyone!! I hope this week of meditation and celebration has been a great blessing to you! I saw something interesting on the news today.... a group of teens from St. Andrew Lutheran in Fargo carried a HUGE wooden cross 2 miles across town today-Good Friday-in rememberance of what Jesus endured on that very first Good Friday so long ago. It was a great reminder of God's sacrifice for us. Anyway, I am spending my Easter weekend helping to move John and Brendas' things to RoseMarys' house and OUR things into Johns' house! I have been packing, cleaning, stacking, packing, cleaning and stacking some more. Yesterday, Dave came in at lunch time to find that I had loaded everything I had packed into the south part of the living room. It was piled nearly to the cieling! He took 2 pickup loads over to the house this afternoon though and made a huge dent in what needs to go over! Dave has some family home for Easter. His sister Ann and her husband Pete and their children Fonda(getting married in August and graduating from Veternarian school next May), Katie, Fred and Hannah. His sister Barb her husband Tom and their 2 little girls Rachel and Stephie. Both sisters live in the suburbs of Minneapolis/St. Paul. Judy and her husband Dave and children Liz(who graduates from Chiropractic College at Christmas) Dan, Lisa, & Matt live near Fargo and are here for Easter also. Elaine and her husband Larry live near Portland, ND and will be here tomorrow for our EASTER DINNER. Also driving up for the day are Carol and Bill from Fosston, MN and we are hoping for Gerald and Chris to make it up from Fargo as well. It is always an interesting time for the family to get together. Usually SOMEONE ends up with the stomach flu or a cold and spreads it to everyone else! I could tell you stories involving an ice cream scoop and bucket that would make your stomach turn!! Needless to say, I try not to eat ice cream there anymore! It is nice however that they all make an effort to come home for the holiday. In other news, Spring Sprung back into winter!! Winter was almost a memory until this morning! the snow was flying and winter reared its head once more. So, now we will have to hope for even warmer temps to melt the snow!!

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