Saturday, December 27, 2008

A Christmas to remember

First of all, there are NO pictures to this blog. This is because of 2 reasons. I forgot my camera on Christmas Eve and really, no one wants to see any pictures of my Christmas Day. You see, I got the gift that keeps on giving--literally. It seems I got the stomach flu for Christmas. OH happy day. I in turn have GIVEN it to Dave. Oh happier day. So, who shall be next joyous reciever?

I was supposed to have Christmas dinner here and instead wound up calling Gma and Gpa, Mom and Dad and told them to plan on eating elsewhere. I was sure NO ONE would feel like eating if they heard me vomit. THAT was very nice of me I think. Jamie came and got the ham and turkey breast, stuffing, buns and green beans for casserole. They said everything turned out ok. Dave did go over in the afternoon and wound up bringing home some anti-nausea meds from Ambers Purse Pharmacy which worked wonders. Jello has never tasted so good. Today my tummy is great but my right eye is nearly swollen shut and keeps tearing up. My right nostril has turned into a spicket which can't/won't be turned off. So what shall it be for New Years? Strep throat or pneumonia? Maybe I can contract some tropical disease like Shmedricks disease where you get covered with funny green and chartreuse spots! (completely made up by the way, I saw that once in an episode of Full House--Yes the show with the cute little Olsen twins--what happened there?)

Oh well as long as I can see out of one eye to drive and don't run out of kleenex I suppose this too shall pass. Maybe I shoulda had a V8.

DISCLAIMER: I am not responsible for any person(s) stomach flu or Shmedricks symptoms as it has been proven that germs do NOT travel over the internet. No one was injured during the writing of this blog and it is being written at 5:27am. Thus the silliness of said blog.

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