First of all, there are NO pictures to this blog. This is because of 2 reasons. I forgot my camera on Christmas Eve and really, no one wants to see any pictures of my Christmas Day. You see, I got the gift that keeps on giving--literally. It seems I got the stomach flu for Christmas. OH happy day. I in turn have GIVEN it to Dave. Oh happier day. So, who shall be next joyous reciever?
I was supposed to have Christmas dinner here and instead wound up calling Gma and Gpa, Mom and Dad and told them to plan on eating elsewhere. I was sure NO ONE would feel like eating if they heard me vomit. THAT was very nice of me I think. Jamie came and got the ham and turkey breast, stuffing, buns and green beans for casserole. They said everything turned out ok. Dave did go over in the afternoon and wound up bringing home some anti-nausea meds from Ambers Purse Pharmacy which worked wonders. Jello has never tasted so good. Today my tummy is great but my right eye is nearly swollen shut and keeps tearing up. My right nostril has turned into a spicket which can't/won't be turned off. So what shall it be for New Years? Strep throat or pneumonia? Maybe I can contract some tropical disease like Shmedricks disease where you get covered with funny green and chartreuse spots! (completely made up by the way, I saw that once in an episode of Full House--Yes the show with the cute little Olsen twins--what happened there?)
Oh well as long as I can see out of one eye to drive and don't run out of kleenex I suppose this too shall pass. Maybe I shoulda had a V8.
DISCLAIMER: I am not responsible for any person(s) stomach flu or Shmedricks symptoms as it has been proven that germs do NOT travel over the internet. No one was injured during the writing of this blog and it is being written at 5:27am. Thus the silliness of said blog.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Walkin' in a Winter Wonderland!!
Everyone knows the words to that famous song. The artist paints such a lovely picture of their "winter wonderland". After last night and today, WE are walking in a winter wonderland!! The first blizzard of the season hit us with full force! Wind gusts of up 43mph, about 10 inches of snow (thus far) and wind chills of -48 degrees. It was a bad one! Thank God Dave and John finished combining their corn on Friday! The storm leaves us with a beautifully landscaped wonderland of white snow ( or yellow depending on where the dogs have been;). 

A winter wonderland indeed!!
A winter wonderland indeed!!
Monday, December 1, 2008
It's all in a days work.....
I had a very busy December 1st. I went to my grandparents this morning after donning my Christmas Bibs and I put up their tree. They have a 4 foot tall artificial tree which they purchased last year. It is nice because they are able to enjoy their tree for whole month of December rather than the couple of weeks they normally would with a real tree. 

I gave them this little Nativity last year because she didn't have a regular sized one. She has the one her nephew Steve gave her years ago, and she has the one I made out of clay when I went to Vacation Bible School one year probably about 20 years ago. This one looks so cute under their tree with the little straw Angel ornament dangling at the top.
My Grandma Hanssen made this when we were babies. Amber , Jamie, and me. Styrofoam balls covered with sequins held down with pins. Our baby pics are on one side and the opposite side it is hollowed out a little and she glued a little something in the hollow. Mine has an Angel, and Ambers has a little deer I think and I don't remember what Jamie has.
Close up of Jamie. Who knew that that cute little boy would grow up to such a BIG pain in the backside! Just kidding! Wait am I? Did I ever tell you the story about when he was born? I wanted a baby girl so bad, we were going to name her April. She was going to play barbies with me. Honest to God. She was going to be the sister I didn't have. Sure I had Amber but Amber didn't have an imagination. I was being dumb when I pretended that the fuzzy pink slipper was my barbie car. She hated playing house. April was going to change ALL of that!! And then, April didn't come. December 7, 1981 I woke up to find my Grandparents there. I remember being at their house when dad called with the news. I got on the phone and dad said " You have a brother! His name is Jamison Cade and we will call him Jamie." Traitor. How could Dad sound so darn happy when we were supposed to have a GIRL! I sat under the ledge of the counter and cried. And cried some more. When we went to see him at the hospital the nurses tried to MAKE me put on a stupid, ugly, green gown thing so I could hold the boy. I didn't like the gowns. I didn't even like the baby! Finally a nurse found a sesame street gown that I reluctantly put on. Then I reluctantly held the baby. I guess he isn't sooooo bad! He is very funny, and very helpful. I guess I love him. SSHHHHHH don't tell him that!
I then went to Mom and Dads for dinner with the 3 dogs and after we ate, Jamie, Mom and I put up THEIR tree!! Jamie quit after fluffing a few branches and left the real work to Mom, Dad and I . Dad and I strung the 700 colored lights, and we all decorated it. It turned out so pretty!!
We tried something different and put a BIG bow on the top rather than the traditional Angel. I curled the tails with a roll from the center of wrapping paper. We hung all of the special ornaments together!
Christmas time is here!!
It's the MOST wonderful time of the year! With Bells jingle-belling and everyone yelling to be of good cheer--it's the MOST wonderful time of the year!!
YES IT IS!! Christmas is my most favorite time of the year. I love the hustle and bustle in the stores, I love the lights on everyones home, and I love how cozy our house always feels. But most of all I love hearing the Christmas Story and singing all of those Christmas songs!!
I wanted to share with you some of the coziness of this season with you!
This is the dining room. In a previous post I showed you all my beautiful pink tree. This is the room where that is located. This corner is my vintage Christmas corner!
This is the tree in our living room. This is the first year I have had colored lights since I moved out of my parents house. This is a pre-lit tree that I got at Kmart about 9 years ago. None of the clear lights work so I wrapped it with colored lights. I can't stop looking at it!!
Here is the fireplace in the living room. I have my carolers and the wooden snowmen decoration I got from my sister on the hearth. On the mantle, are my stocking holder that I got after Christmas last year on clearance for $4 at Target. I have stockings for Dave, myself, Buddy, and Elvis. Duke has yet to get one! My Nativity is the center of attention. It is the single most important Christmas decoration I posess. I have 6 nativities in different forms!!
Here is the tree in the daylight! We have some ornaments from Davids childhood and some from mine. It makes our tree so much more special! For Dave's birthday this year I got him a John Deere ornament from Hallmark. I thought it would make an otherwise girlie tree a little bit more "manly". I guess maybe I need spent shotgun shells and beer cans or something. Maybe that's more appropriate for the man cave!!
YES IT IS!! Christmas is my most favorite time of the year. I love the hustle and bustle in the stores, I love the lights on everyones home, and I love how cozy our house always feels. But most of all I love hearing the Christmas Story and singing all of those Christmas songs!!
I wanted to share with you some of the coziness of this season with you!
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