Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Happy Birthday Michigan Part 2

After the parade Jamie and I went to the dedication of the Veterans Memorial Park located where the old depot sat. Father John Aerts had a prayer and Steve and Sally Simonson sang a beautiful song about a woman making sure her son a fallen soldier

was remembered for more than being "Just a name on a wall". Then Governer Hoeven spoke about the war on terror and the freedom we have in America to gather and celebrate because of the Veterans past and present. It was pretty moving! Then Milo Elgin, a World War II Vet from Michigan spoke about his experiences at the Battle of the Bulge.

We ate outrageously expensive nachos and taco salad for lunch under a shade canopy which blew apart in a freak gust of wind. I say freak because it was a very light breeze and that single gust of wind, was the ONE and ONLY gust of wind ALL DAY.

Dave, Jamie and I met up with Aaron and Casey to tour the old school which is now a wiring harness factory. Dave was showing me all of his old classrooms and at 3:25 pm, the bell rang. Schools out!! It was kind of a sad reminder! We went to the bar had a couple of cold beverages and to get out of the sun for awhile, and then home to take a nap so we could go back to town for the streetdance. They had fireworks. Beautiful. Loud. Fireworks.

LOOK! A burnin' ring of fire!!!

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