Sunday, July 6, 2008

Father's Day 2008

Yes I know I haven't posted anything recently, ok so I haven't posted in the last month! S0 I will be doing some "marathon posting" tonight! First up is Father's Day!

Father's Day is a happy and sad occasion for David and I. We are sad that his dad isn't here to celebrate with us but we know Pete is celebrating in heaven with his Heavenly Father!! We are also happy that we are able to celebrate with my Grandpa and my daddy! This year we also celebrated with my uncle Jeff, who is a Father and Papa Jeffy to his grandchildren!!

I gave my dad a hawaiian shirt, I was scared that he wouldn't wear it but to my knowledge has worn it twice!

Everyone came over here to eat a most delicious meal! Dad made a turkey in the turkey fryer (in the rain) that turned out beautifully! When the weather cleared up, Jeff, Dad, Gpa, Jamie and Sean went fishing on Lake Laretta. They did pretty good. They caught a good haul of Northern Pike!

Here is Father and Son with their big fish!!
The dogs felt a little left out so I figured I should get a picture of them with the fish too!! In the evening we went to Gma and Gpas for supper! I bet you can't guess what we ate!!! U got it! FISH--beer battered fish, and some other breaded fish. It was an awesome day and we are all very thankful for one more Father's Day spent with our Fathers....and uncles!

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