Sunday, June 8, 2008


David thinks he is in color wheel hell stuck on PINK!! I was researching vacuums just now and found this beautiful specimen of femininity!

A Pink Vacuum Too?

Today was the day I was finally going to vacuum the sand from last Sunday out of my carpet. I started in the hallway and was working my way around "the wall." My vacuum has been my favorite toy since Dave gave it to me for Christmas in 2006. I usually get excited to use it~~it is pretty and it has a power paw for the furniture! So, near the bathroom door, I smell smoke. I have smelled it before while vacuuming so I paid it no attention. Soon near the railing to the basement I SAW smoke. LOTS OF SMOKE! I picked it up and took it outside yanking the cord from the outlet. I laid it down and saw the flames coming from the side where the belt is. I was so panicky I couldn't think of what I should use to put out the fire. I decided on my coffee maker. I doused the flames and grabbed my camera. I was nervous about what Dave would say about this one for sure. Fire has been the ongoing theme this last week. He had been in town at church so, thankfully he was feeling mellow. He didn't say much. Except he did say that he didn't know if they make PINK vacuum cleaner. OH and word from the wise~~if you are shopping for a vacuum cleaner DO NOT buy a Eureka Altima

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Random thought for today.

So there are 3 weddings of people I personally know today. I wondered whats the deal?
What is so special about this weekend? JUNE 7, 2008


June (6) 7, 08 6,7,8

One of the weddings is at 3:45pm. So their wedding begins at 3:45 on 6-7-08 ! How cool is that!

Sorry like I said random thought!

Pizza Cutter go BYE BYE!

Remember my last blog about the almost perfect day! Well, I realized on Thursday night that my pizza cutter was missing when I went to cut the most delicious homemade taco pizza ever! So I had to think hard "when was the last time you used it, Angela?"

Almost instantly, I remembered the gooey pizzas from Hotstuff in Lakota on Sunday. I used it to re-cut the pizzas so surely it had to have been washed and put away. I hunted high and low but could not find it. "Well I laid it the box lid when I was done......." THAT my friends is when I had what I call "a moment of clarity". I left the pizza cutter in the pizza box, someone ate the pizza, and didn't remove the cutter. I was about to get another dose of clarity. I BURNED those pizza boxes. In the burn barrel. THIS burn barrel to be exact!
Can you find what's left of the pizza cutter amidst the ash?
Here it is! I felt so foolish when I told David!! He kind of chuckled and told me that he thought it was all a part of my evil plan to get a pink handled Kitchen Aid Pizza cutter, which simply isn't true! There was no evil plan, but since we need a pizza cutter, I might as well get the pink one!!

Monday, June 2, 2008

The (ALMOST) Perfect Day!

Yesterday brought warm weather, a beautiful blue sky, and my family over for dinner! It was very last minute and I had an agenda, Dave and I needed Dad's, Jamie's, and Sean's muscles to help move some furniture to the "man cave" a.k.a my thunderstorm haven! We grilled burgers and deer sausage, and ate on the deck. You can see everyone assembled and ready to pray!

We had a yummy watermelon for dessert. Everyone looks so excited:) ok... so maybe dad looks a little grumpy ;)

After we ate, Jamie and Sean found my tennis ball slingshot and had fun shooting the balls at each other. They even tried a golf ball to see how far it would go! Dad and David enjoyed watching in the shade from our adirondack chairs.

We also went fishing at Lake Laretta just north of my house about a mile away! Jamie caught the first northern, Amber caught the next 3 and Dad caught one. Sean had a couple get away as did Amber, Dad and Jamie. As for me, well.... let me just say that if we are lost in the wilderness and it is up to me catch food, we will all starve!! I never even had a nibble.

We had Hotstuff pizza for supper, and then ended the day with a bonfire at Mom and Dads.