Tuesday, September 15, 2009
An Emotional Week....
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Harvest 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Democrats BEWARE!!!!
For those of you who are all for this health care reform: What guarantees have you heard that make it worth while? Last night Obama said that EVERYONE will be able to be insured, even those with pre-existing conditions. NEWSFLASH--You can get insurance now, but you will pay through your nose to get it. Obama DID NOT say that people with pre-existing conditons will have affordable premiums. The reason why private insurances charge so much for premiums for people with pre-existing conditions is that they pay through their nose for the necessary ongoing medical care. WHY is the GOVERNMENT going to be different? Look at how far in debt they are! NOW answer me, HOW is the government going to be able to provide more AFFORDABLE insurance to the uninsured? Another question I have is how do they determine whether or not you can afford to have private insurance or if you need to be enrolled in the "public option". As a farmer, we own land. It is considered to be an asset but it is how we make our money. Will they look at that and say "you own land, you can afford private insurance". Obama said last night that there will be a waiver for those who absolutely cannot afford a premium. How do they determine who is eligable for the waiver? I do not understand why people are thinking that this is going to be free. NOTHING is free. Premiums will be paid to for it and you might get a rude awakening when you find out how much your premium is going to be.
I am sick to death of told I am propagating misinformation. NO. I am simply concerned about my freedoms. I am bringing up points that have NOT been answered. Obama threatened people who oppose this reform in his speech last night and he scolded those who dare to call him out on his brazen abuse of power. Keep it up. Surely you are winning them over with your teleprompter reading abilities and your use of fictional stories. I refuse to be quiet and be rolled over by a tyrannical government. I refuse to give up my freedoms and rights. I AM clinging to my BIBLE and GUNS. I am making a pest of myself in Kent Conrads email, Earl Pomeroy's email, and Byron Dorgan's email. I believe that the United States of America is the BEST country in the world. The problem with President Obama is that his Presidency is based on the fact that it is the WORST country in the world and everything needs to be changed.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
One Pudgy Puppy.....
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
I believe the term marriage is reserved for a man and a woman. However, I am not God and can not tell people who they should or shouldn't fall in love with. I have quite a few gay and lesbian friends and wouldn't wish them a lifetime of struggle and financial and legal hardships
It makes me very sad to think of how our country has lost moral ground. Everyone thinks that being "progressive" is a step in the right direction. From where I stand, "progressiveness" looks alot like "do whatever you want to". Don't want that baby? Have an abortion! Want to sleep with your sheep? Go ahead--do whatever you want! Why? Because we're "progressive"! I do not believe that equality needs to go so far as to allow people to lead the most liberal of lives. Excessive liberalism will have a consequence. It's like when a kid is told not to eat too much candy by his mother. But he thinks he knows best and eats too much candy. What is his consquence? A sick tummy. I don't know what our nations' consequence will be, but I can guarantee it will be MUCH, MUCH worse than a tummyache.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Friday, May 8, 2009
Taking off the Corn, North Dakota style!!!!

Thursday, April 30, 2009
Spring or Fall?
We are patiently waiting for the frost to come out of the ground and the melted snow and rain water to go away! David is anxious about getting out in the field to get the crops planted. So am I!! I can't wait to be able to mow the lawn and putter with my flowers and attempt--Gasp--to plant a vegetable garden. I have to admit the recent rain and cool weather has allowed me to get some much needed work done around the house.
A few big things are coming up! Mothers Day is a little over a week away so we will be having our annual Mothers Day dinner and the following week is Braydens Baptism-YAY- Sean and Amber have asked Dave and I to be Godparents, so look for more interesting blogs to come, until then, Happy Spring!!
Laundry Room Remodel!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Welcome to the World, Brayden Lee Jerome!!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
School Spirit!
Alot of my facebook friends are able to attend the game tonight in Minot and I will be watching at home on tv. Never fear though, I am already wearing DP's school colors in an effort to show my support. Not that my dogs give a rawhide. They are the only ones here to witness my show of school pride! I am proud of those boys because this is the first time my school (for my Jr. and Sr. year) has ever been to the state tournament as a unified school! The DP Tolna girls went to state my Jr. year. But still, this is huge! I graduated from DP 14 yrs ago! Wow, does that make me sound old. I still have school spirit.
This entire last week I have been trying very hard to remember the words to the school song. I can still sing Unity's school song!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
It was a north wind so we were pretty well protected right in our yard. This was the view when it first got started at about 11am. Not so nice.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Impromptu Baby Shower
You can see how tight of a squeeze it is between the top of the china hutch and the ceiling. About 4 inches!
These are the placemats we received from Sean and Amber as a wedding gift. That is what we are using as our inspiration for the room.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Real Grown Up Furniture!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Saturday Night Fever
This is the first shot of him dancing. He was helping to cook and serve the steak supper. He was also my personal "bartender"! Beer me Jamie! PS. This was fairly early so please don't assume he was drunk. He dances to this song quite frequently while sober!
This video speaks for itself. Nuff said.
In our own defense, this is what happens when we get creative with how we spend our winter. We play golf on a frozen slough using tennis balls. Then we eat steak and fries and drink beer. We spend time catching up with old friends and spend time making new ones! Then we video tape those who have had more beer than the rest of us in all of their dancing glory! You should come visit! Maybe you won't feel like dancing either........
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Some Wedding Gifts
This our gift from Gary and Debbie Behm from Uppercase Living. Vinyl words of inspiration. We got another set from Shannon & Tommy Gemmill that isn't put up yet but says"Always remember to kiss me goodnight".
This painting is very special because it is from Gerald and Chris Steffan. Chris painted it and it is beautiful! Gerald and Chris lived in our house before John and Brenda lived here.
The antler candle holder is from Daves' sister Carol and her husband Bill. It fits in well with the picture frames we recieved from their daughter Alisa and her family! Thats the frame with our picture in it!
Here we have 2 separate gifts from 2 separate people! The Love picture is from Daves sister Janice and her family. The beautiful Crucifix is from my cousin Charity her husband Birk and their kids--Adri, Tristan, Constence, Wyatt, and Lydia. These are hanging in our bedroom as a constant reminder of the ULTIMATE gift of love--God's gift --his son!

Barb and Tom gave us 4 of these Mikasa Orion double old fashioned glasses. We bought an extra 4 glasses to have 8. Barb and Tom also gave us a 17 piece set of Pyrex!

David and I bought 8 of each of these 2 types of glasses, so we wouldn't have to use our Budweiser glasses with our new china!

Rose Mary gave us 8 place settings of this Mikasa China and 8 place settings of Lenox flatware! That was a wonderful surprise!
Daves' sister Ann and her husband Pete gave us this 5 piece serving set. Their children gave us 8 fruit bowls, and an extra vegetable bowl.