Monday, November 17, 2008

Wedding Stuff!

I can honestly say that all of the family now knows about our wedding on Jan. 17!! We are READY!! We have the Church, the Pastor, the readings, the music, and now, the flowers. I had been contemplating using crystal bouquets rather than flowers but quickly changed my mind when I saw how much they cost. Then, last Tuesday, I went into Michaels craft store and as a fluke, I found the PERFECT flowers. I get an all cream rose bouquet and my maids, get to carry hydrangeas. Also at Gordmans, I found what will be on the alter. Silver vases with frost/snow covered branches that sparkle.

alter flowers

box of corsages and bouts

Close up of a corsage

Since my moms dress would only fit my thigh, I decides to use it a different way! I removed the cuffs which are satin covered with lace. They also have a couple of pearl buttons on them so, I wrapped my bouquet with the cuffs instead of ribbon. That is my something old!!! 33 yrs old to be exact.

This is the finished product. Its blurry I know, but you get the picture! I think it looks very victorian!! I can't wait!! 2 months to the day! WOOOOHHOOOOO!!

1 comment:

The_Gord_Man said...

Congratulations on the wedding!

We also wanted to let you know how we love it when people find their decorating ideas at Gordmans!

Take this coupon in with you next time as our way of saying thanks!!

All the best,
Your friends @ Gordmans