Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Happy Birthday Dad!!

Sixty years ago on this day, my dad was born. After 3 days of my poor Grandma being told to go home and vomiting wieners. Yuck. But I have to admit, its a story I will always remember.

So this morning I got up a little early and baked dad a scrumptious "funfetti" cake (is there another kind?) and frosted it with white whipped frosting and decorated it. In orange. And purple. I put tinfoil on it and took to Gma and Gpa's for coffee this morning. Mom had also brought a birthday cake. German chocolate with that fancy pecan and coconut frosting. So dad is extra loved i guess. 2 cakes in one day. I had to get a picture. Mom is even smiling, gee how did that happen? (Just Joking)
So Happy Birthday Dad! Thanks for being my everything. I love you!
PS. HaHa I really didn't cut off the chocolate cake on purpose! Even though it may look like it;)

Monday, September 8, 2008

Welcome to the World, Laura Lee and Levi John!!!

The Steffan Ranch is abuzz with excitement these days! Sure, it's harvest and the men are busy in the field but, last Thursday God blessed us some rain that provided a break. Brenda made use of this break and she --ok the BABIES decided they wanted to come out and play with their big brothers!! So, September 4th is now the birthday of Laura and Levi!! YES, They had a GIRL!! She also came first weighing 6lbs 7oz. and was followed by her brother Levi who weighed 7lbs 2 oz. Brenda was only 6 days short of her due date and was ecstatic when they were able to meet face to face! She was able to come home on Saturday the 6th and yesterday Dave and I went to meet the new babies!!

I am holding little Laura and David is holding Levi! Roman (5) took the pictures! A budding photographer I think! He didn't even cut anyones head off!

John is still trying to adapt to the sleep deprivation! Levi snoozing in his carseat!

The twins aren't the only new babies at the farm! Mama Cat (I know-original name) has 3 little kittens that I am smitten with!! Oreo, Midnight, and Jr. Mama Cat (not even joking-Roman named them) Speaking of Roman, that's him on the new little tractor! This is like the one Dave bought this fall except Dave's will have a cab. It will be our snow removing tractor! I'm excited to learn how to drive it!! Roman will have to teach me, looks like he has mastered it already!

See? He has mastered it. First the tractor, then the WORLD!!! MMMWWAAAHAAAAAA!! *evil laugh* The second pic is of Dave and Jack and the tiny shovel. I bought that to dig potatoes at the old house and Jack spied it when we were cleaning the garage. We decided to give it to him for his birthday in June. He LOVES that thing--its just his size--just like our chair! This pic also goes to show that you can take the man out of the sandbox, but you can't take the sandbox out of the man! Dave used to spend all summer out there as a child. Just helping to keep up the tradition!
Roman had to show me the forts they made this summer. Those kids were very busy little beavers!! They made different rooms and made stick walls! You can tell Roman is proud of all his hard work!
We had a wonderful day welcoming the babies! Look forward to my future blog on Baby Keira!!(She isn't born yet--we have a couple more weeks to wait)