Monday, April 14, 2008

All Moved and Getting Settled!

Finally, we are moved to the "new" house! We have been here a week already and have painted 4 rooms!! The living room, the kitchen, the bathroom, and the entryway!! It has been fun personalizing it! With white walls it was like a fresh canvas--just for us to create something special for ourselves! We haven't unpacked anything that doesn't have to do with the kitchen or the bathrooms yet. Dave was able to get the satellite dish working and temporarily connected to our living room television. Until today of course with the 36mph southerly winds! Signal was getting choppy this morning and finally went out completely when the pole that the dish was mounted on tipped backward!! Dave did however get it back in working order by pounding the pole into the ground alot deeper (now possible due to the frost coming out of the ground). We are enjoying 60 degree weather today, despite the wind!! Our neighbor is even out cultivating--signs of times to come, I guess. Well, Happy Monday to you!

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