Tuesday, September 15, 2009

An Emotional Week....

Is it stupid that I am sad over a soap opera going off the air?  I don't feel stupid....but emotions are a funny thing.   I have watched Guiding Light forever.  F-O-R-E-V-E-R.  The Bauer's, Lewis's, Cooper's and Spaulding's may as well have lived in Niagara for as much as they have been in my life.  I sit here watching the last episodes as we speak through tears as they call the villainous Alan Spaulding a hero for saving his son's life.  Or watching Reva and Josh (who DO belong together, no matter how good looking Jeffrey O'Neill is)  as they deal with their kids and grandkids.  Friday is the last time I will be able to catch a glimpse into the lives in Springfield.  I have been a frequent "visitor" since I was born.  I honestly can't imagine a weekday without watching it at 2pm. To make matters worse, they are replacing it with a gameshow.  A GAMESHOW!  I seriously have no use for CBS anymore.  With that,  it is with teary eyes that I bid my "GUIDING LIGHT" goodbye! Thank you for the entertainment.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Harvest 2009

Harves 2009 is in full swing at the Steffan Farm!!!  First and foremost, I have this pic to tell you about! Our nephew Nathan who is 11, got to drive the grain cart while Jeff took a weekend to spend with his boys over Labor Day weekend.  Here he is unloading on the go and doing a WONDERFUL job with timing, spacing, etc.  He was out there from 10 in the morning until about 7pm so he put in a full day of driving!    Labor Day was definitely one to remember!  The weather was GORGEOUS--a terrific day to combine.  The weather was about to change so the guys decided that they would probably be out until 3 or 4 am.  They ended up going until 7am Tuesday morning when it started raining! This is a picture of the double swaths of wheat.  I thought it was a neat view. I think some of these random photos capture the beauty of harvest.  I love this time of year! It cools off quickly in the evening, and the grain dust hangs in the air and smells soo good!  I love that it is starting to get dark earlier in the evenings and Friday nights mean football!!  Happy Fall everyone!!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Democrats BEWARE!!!!

I am going to rant like never before on my blog.  It has been 4 months since I posted anything and now I have had it.   I am SICK to death of people calling me a RACIST because I am not a follower of Obamessiah.  The man can NOT be trusted.  Look at his friends:  William Ayers a known anti-war terrorist. "Rev. Jeremiah Wright- the man IS a RACIST.  Van Jones-the recently ousted "Green Jobs" Czar who is a self proclaimed communist.  Cass Sunstien-the man voted in as Regulatory Czar  today who OPPOSES hunting, wants to give animals the right to file lawsuits, believes everyone should be assumed to be an organ donor unless explicitly stated directions exist, AND wants to do away with meat and dairy in school lunches.  Scary people he chooses to surround himself with.  But we, as a nation are supposed to believe that this man knows what is best for us as a nation?  REALLY?   The man has promised change and hope.  The only change I have seen since his inauguration is in his approval ratings and the unemployment numbers rising at an alarming rate.  What is it with people who are happy to believe the BS the government and the mainstream leftist media feeds them?  It is OUR duty as citizens to be mindful of what our elected officials are doing for us.  They represent US  not their own interests or own agendas.  I am scared of where our nation is headed.  This administration is corrupt!!!  Obama comes from the state of Illinois where the Governer tried to sell Obama's senate seat!  For Pete's sake people:  WAKE UP!   

For those of you who are all for this health care reform:  What guarantees have you heard that make it worth while?  Last night Obama said that EVERYONE will be able to be insured, even those with pre-existing conditions.  NEWSFLASH--You can get insurance now, but you will pay through your nose to get it. Obama DID NOT say that people with pre-existing conditons will have affordable premiums. The reason why private insurances charge so much for premiums for people with pre-existing conditions is that they pay through their nose for the necessary ongoing medical care.  WHY is the GOVERNMENT going to be different?  Look at how far in debt they are!  NOW answer me, HOW is the government going to be able to provide more AFFORDABLE insurance to the uninsured?   Another question I have is how do they determine whether or not you can afford to have private insurance or if you need to be enrolled in the "public option".  As a farmer, we own land.  It is considered to be an asset but it is how we make our money.  Will they look at that and say "you own land, you can afford private insurance".  Obama said last night that there will be a waiver for those who absolutely cannot afford a premium.   How do they determine who is eligable for the waiver?  I do not understand why people are thinking that this is going to be free.  NOTHING is free.  Premiums will be paid to for it and you might get a rude awakening when you find out how much your premium is going to be.   
I am sick to death of told I am propagating misinformation.  NO. I am simply concerned about my freedoms.  I am bringing up points that have NOT been answered.  Obama threatened people who oppose this reform in his speech last night and he scolded those who dare to call him out on his brazen abuse of power.  Keep it up.  Surely you are winning them over with your teleprompter reading abilities and your use of fictional stories.  I refuse to be quiet and be rolled over by a tyrannical government.  I refuse to give up my freedoms and rights.  I AM clinging to my BIBLE and GUNS.  I am making a pest of myself in Kent Conrads email, Earl Pomeroy's email, and Byron Dorgan's email.  I believe that the United States of America is the BEST country in the world. The problem with President Obama is that his Presidency is based on the fact that it is the WORST country in the world and everything needs to be changed.