Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Saturday Night Fever

This past weekend marked the 5th Annual Frozen Balls Golf Tournament hosted by the Town Pump II. I didn't personally play in the tournament, I just enjoyed the aftermath at the bar ;) ! I was a little worried when I got pulled over before even getting to the bar by one of our County Mounties, Keith. He was just letting me know that I had a headlight out which I already knew--I had had it fixed 2 weeks ago but it is out again and since the WONDERFUL engineers at GM did a great job of planning, we have to dismantle the whole front end to replace a bulb. Not even joking. The whole grill assembly comes off. I did have a lot of fun and I got to see some old friends and make some new ones!

I got some great pics, enjoyed some good beer, good company, and a steak! This is the team that won the tourney. They are from Larimore, ND and I know the girl in the pic is my cousin Kylie (Behm) Nissen and the BIG dude kinda hiding is Andy Tveit.

The real fun came when my adorable little brother started dancing!

This is the first shot of him dancing. He was helping to cook and serve the steak supper. He was also my personal "bartender"! Beer me Jamie! PS. This was fairly early so please don't assume he was drunk. He dances to this song quite frequently while sober!

Ok. Here he might be feeling pretty good, he is even singing! Oh, and his friend is Matt O'Neil. Matts' dad is Marty our "Cattle Hauler"!
In case you are wondering the song is by the Scissor Sisters and called (ironically enough) "I Don't Feel Like Dancing". I will try to get it on my playlist so you can hear it and maybe dance yourself! It's kind of catchy--I mean like the flu! Once you hear it, it stays with you for.......well.....lets just say I had to have David sing "Copa Cabana" to get it out of my head! Thats just wrong!! Having to listen to Barry Manilow to get a song out of your head! ".......her name was Lola, she was a showgirl........"

This video speaks for itself. Nuff said.

In our own defense, this is what happens when we get creative with how we spend our winter. We play golf on a frozen slough using tennis balls. Then we eat steak and fries and drink beer. We spend time catching up with old friends and spend time making new ones! Then we video tape those who have had more beer than the rest of us in all of their dancing glory! You should come visit! Maybe you won't feel like dancing either........

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Some Wedding Gifts

I thought I would post some pics of our wedding gifts, I know some of my family didn't get to be there for it and would enjoy seeing what we got. First off, we got this 23rd Psalm Cross from our niece and nephew-in-law Jenn and Kirk Thorson and their kids, Will and Leah. It is a daily reminder of our faith and common goal!

This our gift from Gary and Debbie Behm from Uppercase Living. Vinyl words of inspiration. We got another set from Shannon & Tommy Gemmill that isn't put up yet but says"Always remember to kiss me goodnight".

This painting is very special because it is from Gerald and Chris Steffan. Chris painted it and it is beautiful! Gerald and Chris lived in our house before John and Brenda lived here.

The antler candle holder is from Daves' sister Carol and her husband Bill. It fits in well with the picture frames we recieved from their daughter Alisa and her family! Thats the frame with our picture in it!

Here we have 2 separate gifts from 2 separate people! The Love picture is from Daves sister Janice and her family. The beautiful Crucifix is from my cousin Charity her husband Birk and their kids--Adri, Tristan, Constence, Wyatt, and Lydia. These are hanging in our bedroom as a constant reminder of the ULTIMATE gift of love--God's gift --his son!

Dave's sister Judy and her husband Dave gave us 8 of these Mikasa wine glasses.

Barb and Tom gave us 4 of these Mikasa Orion double old fashioned glasses. We bought an extra 4 glasses to have 8. Barb and Tom also gave us a 17 piece set of Pyrex!

David and I bought 8 of each of these 2 types of glasses, so we wouldn't have to use our Budweiser glasses with our new china!

Rose Mary gave us 8 place settings of this Mikasa China and 8 place settings of Lenox flatware! That was a wonderful surprise!

Daves' sister Ann and her husband Pete gave us this 5 piece serving set. Their children gave us 8 fruit bowls, and an extra vegetable bowl.

I have a lot more pictures of things to post but better wait for another day!! I don't want to overload anyones dial up--MOM!

Be VEWWYY Quiet! We're hunting Wabbits!

All winter long my dogs have been perplexed by the wildlife outside. They are always on the lookout for squirrels tunneling through the snow to find corn that was left in the field and the cottontail rabbits that run round and round the house. Winter has been hard on these little guys-well not winter as much as Buddy. We were down to one lone bunny but on Monday he met his demise. That one lone rabbit would sit right in front of the picture window and tease and torment these poor dogs. He seemed to laugh at them through the window, knowing he was safe as long as he could see them! I got a picture of him through the window so it isn't the best quality. But you can still see how cute he was!!
"Hey, What's up doc?"

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Are you ready for some football?!?!

First of all let me state that I am madder than a wet hen that the Steelers won the Super Bowl. That being said, since I was afflicted with the cough that magically appeared whenever cool air found my lungs, we stayed home and enjoyed the superbowl with my family. ( Sorry Sarah! We appreciated the invite though!) Well we enjoyed it until Dad started yelling obscenities at the tv.

Awwww, Amber and Baby Bump and Sean with his "Sympathy" Bump! Aren't they so cute? This one is of Amber trying out the taco dip, Eat it already !!!

They made the guys all sport their John Deere hats--Yes, Sean is wearing a plaid FLANNEL shirt AND a JOHN DEERE hat!!! Geez Dave, smile Y dontcha!

THere thats better! Even Buddy is smiling!!

Beautiful weather huh!! It was sunny up until Mom and Dad came.......hmmmmm.

Dad is happy! Mom is not.

Jamie was taking pictures of the tv screen and discovered that it looks like you were ACTUALLY there ! I tried to get him to take off his shirt and run past the tv so it would look like he was streaking but he wouldn't do it. Chicken. Neither would Ian. Bigger Chicken.

Here they are doing the wave.

You know how you can tell if it has been a successful Superbowl Party? When everyone has their hand down their pants. THE END!!!!!